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Breaking the Lie of Perfectionism


In our American culture, there is increasing pressure on both men and women to "have it all together." We are caught up in the race for the perfect body, the perfect GPA, the perfect job, the perfect fill in the blank. We believe that we must perform well in order to be worthy of love, and to prove our value to ourselves, others, and God. But what is "perfect," anyway? And who defines it? In this seminar, we will demystify the ways that perfectionism can be a source of deep pain and can keep us from living fully and authentically. We'll explore the gifts that come with embracing our imperfections and the healing that God invites us to experience in our vulnerability.

Katie Anderson

Overcoming Fear/Anxiety and Depression


Do you often find yourself waking up to turmoil and endless racing thoughts or worry? Is anxiety or fear your constant companion? Do you wonder about the difference between depression and constant fear? Many of us deal with a certain amount of fear and anxiety as a result of hard times, inward tendencies and an oft-times complex variety of reasons.  In this Seminar we will be naming the areas of fear and anxiety that tend to hinder our lives, and learn practical steps to identifying and dealing with chronic fear, anxiety and depression.

Tonya Armstrong

How to Live Emotionally Resilient

(Primarily for men, open to women who want to learn about what men need)


In  this Seminar, you will learn to deal with disappointments & successes; learn to gather or regroup the overarching picture for your life and be challenged to create a clear vision of transformation in daily living with a resilient spirit. You will be encouraged to further sharpen your focus and learn to withstand and go on the offensive!



Medad Ernest

Overcoming Hardship in Marriage


Are you struggling in your marriage? Do you find yourself scared that your days together are numbered? Are you seeking for hope and desire to make changes in yourself and in your marriage?  Many of us have seen marriages around us flounder or fail and may come to the right conclusion that marriage is not for the faint of heart. Loving and serving, another human being can be quite the challenge on a day-to-day basis. This Seminar, led together by this compassionate and powerful husband and wife team, will focus on the principles which will help to strengthen your marriage. Whether you are holding on by a thread or seeking to enhance your resilience in marriage, this Seminar is for you. Also open to single women or men  in preparation of an anticipated future with the spouse God may have for you down the line. 

Julian & Krishauna 


Exposing the Lie of Media & Redefining Our Body Image


We live in a culture that objectifies and devalues women (and men) through images of idealized and hypersexualized beauty. These images infiltrate our everyday lives, filling windows of shopping malls and interstate billboards. They are so commonplace that we forget how powerfully they influence us. How can we overcome our insecurities and come to view our bodies rightly? How can we see ourselves as beautiful? This Seminar will explore the ways in which we can begin to be in right relation to our bodies, to makeup, to the ways we express ourselves visually so that we can be empowered to see ourselves as we really are - as God's Beloved ones, fearfully and wonderfully made. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Maudia Melendez

Superhero Myth: Learning the Grace of Slowing Down &

The Importance of Self Care


Do you have many different hats you wear in your life? Ever wonder how you're going to do all the many things  that are on your plate?  Do you find that you are always busy and/or exhausted? Is life crowing YOU out? Many of us try to accomplish everything in very little time. Too often everyone and everything takes precedence, often to our own detriment. Yet we do not know how to change this reality. Whether you are dealing with the "supermom-syndrome", a workaholic who rarely sees his family, an over-achiever-ambitious student, or everything in between, come to this Seminar to learn about new realities and the “less is more” approach to living in order to experience God's peace in your everyday life.

Carline Mervilus

© 2015 by the International Women's Ministry Network

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