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 SEMINARS continued.

Cultivating Healthy Relationships I: Intimacy with God


Have seasons of hurt and brokenness left you wondering whether God can be trusted? Have you prayed and felt unheard and alone? Do you find yourself in deep seasons of doubt? These hard experiences can lead to faltering prayer lives and stagnancy in our spiritual life. Yet, it is possible to renew your faith and find joy in an intimate relationship with God. Join with us in an atomsphere of compassion as we explore practical steps and create opportunities to speak to and hear from God, as we learn resilience in our prayer life.

Yoonjung Na

Cultivating Healthy Relationships II: Intimacy with Others


Have you lost trust in others and feel alone? Do you often find yourself in patterns of unhealthy friendships, suffering from being a “doormat” or struggling for acceptance in your relationship with others? Do you wonder if it will ever be possible to enjoy healthy relationships with others?  If you often find yourself confused, afraid and unhappy in relationships, it’s time to make some changes. Join with us as we explore practical steps and create opportunities to restore relationship with others. This session will focus on the skills it takes to develop healthy relationships. You will learn the importance of knowing who you are, methods of establishing healthy boundaries, identifying and avoiding toxic co-dependency and emotional abuse.

Kathy Morgan

Resiliency & Physical Health


The Book of  3rd John 1 verse 2 reads:  “Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually." As we learn about the importance of mental and spiritual health, we must also realize our physical health is inter-related with our emotional health. After all, we are connected, mind, soul and body. How can we achieve or  maintain good physical health? What are some of the hindrances which continually keep us from obtaining it? What are some ways we can honor the Lord by eating better and moving more? Come learn from Life and Health coach, Donna Nealy, in this life-changing Seminar for tips and encouragement on being physically healthy and persevering with your health and wellness goals. Come prepared to do some physical exercise. Running shoes or walking shoes required.

Donna Nealy

Linking Men to Priority One and Marked Men for Christ


Priority One is a relational outreach ministry to men, utilizing the dynamics and relational aspects of small group ministry and personal discipleship to work directly with men… right where they are. Founded in 1981 as a small local ministry in PA, today the ministry extends throughout several Mid-Atlantic States.

Priority One carries out its vision and mission through various ministry initiatives, including personal involvement in men’s lives, intentional discipleship and relationship building, forming and developing small groups, sponsoring men’s weekend retreats and other events, and partnering with churches to assist in developing meaningful and effective men’s discipleship opportunities.

Lee Paige

© 2015 by the International Women's Ministry Network

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