The International Women's Ministry Network (IWMN) is an organization which promotes emotional healing & empowerment among women in leadership. The North Carolina Women's Network (NCWMN) is a chapter member of IWMN and exists to offer lasting help and day to day strength for living, to women in our local communities.
What does it take to roll out of bed everyday, putting one foot in front of the other? What does it take to not merely survive but to thrive and flourish as daughters of the King?! How do those who hurt pray more, when life just feels too hard?
NCWMN exists to let hurting women know that they are not alone, even in face of the despair and incredible levels of emotional, mental and spiritual struggles, which too many face alone. Through a caring and solid network of other leaders who have struggled too, who continually learn to live joyous and in the freedom Christ alone provides, this ministry works hard to provide spaces for women to experience the healing presence of God and encouragement of other wounded healers.
Would you prayerfully consider giving today to invest in the healing of those who are broken?
Your gift will help women attend this life-transformative event and the work of
The International Women's Ministry Network (IWMN) is a federally-recognized tax-exempt 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that is dependent upon the generosity and donations of others. You will recieve a receipt for income-tax purposes for every donation.

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