Speakers & Worship Leaders
Proud to bring inspirational speakers and anointed worship leaders
from across the U.S. & Canada

Worship Leader


Special Music/Worship Leader
Orita McCorkle,
Worship Leader
Lanessa McCloud,
Medad Ernest,
Psalmist/Special Music

NCWMN Interim Director

Seminar Speaker How to Keep a Pure Mind

Seminar Speaker: Growing in Authenticity & Vulnerability (Men Only)
Marviette Usher,
North Carolina Women's Ministry Network (NCWMN)
Interim Director
Dawn Bostick,
Georgia Women's Ministry Network (GWMN)
Leadership Team
Seminar Speaker
Donna Nealy
Esteem A Total Transformation, Founder/Certified Fitness Trainer
Seminar Speaker
Julian Gaither
Director of Agape Faith Church
Counseling Center
Seminar Speaker

Seminar Speaker: Healing from Betrayal

Seminar Speaker: How to recognize Emotional Abuse

Seminar Speakers: Resolving Conflict
Shelia King
M.A. Marriage & Family Therapy
Seminar Speaker
Katie Anderson
M.A. Christian Counseling
Seminar Speaker
Ron & Linda McRae
Founders, More Than Conquerors Pastors, Little Salem Christian Church
Seminar Speakers

Seminar Speaker: Panel: Learning to Be Free: Becoming Authentically me

Seminar Speaker: Panel: Learning to Be Free: Becoming Authentically me

Seminar Panel Learning to be Free: Becoming Authentically Me

Seminar Panel: Learning to be Free: Becoming Authentically Me
Nelitza D. Gonzalez
Seminar Panelist
Renita Sims
Seminar Panelist
Gina Wall
Seminar Panelist
Katelyn O. P. Chapman
Seminar Panelist
The Conference
Two Days of Powerful Talks
Dynamic Music & Praise & Worship
Engaging Seminars
Real topics on real life
10-11 November 2017
Seminars Topics
Learning to be Free: Growing in Vulnerability and Authenticity
Dealing with Conflict
How Physical Fitness affects Depression & Emotional Wellness
Healing from Betrayal and much more!
Reviving the
Beloved Within™ will focus on the relationship we have with the inner self especially in the midst of complex relationships including learning to resolve conflict, emotional abuse, betrayal, and growing emotionally stable amdist life's hard situations. The reality is that our relationship with our inner self is inextricably bound with our relationship with God and determines how we are able to function in hard situations and with others.
Yet how can we move from mere functioning with self and others, to a place of authenticity and flourishing in relational situations in a way that invites appropriate vulnerability without leading to emotional or spiritual exploitation? How can we open the door of the self within to allow God to restore us in the midst of emotional hardship and continue to live in trust and freedom with others in the aftermath?
Reviving the
Beloved Within™ will address these questions and so much more via our inspiring and seasoned main Speaker Ann Conway, an array of incredible focused Seminars offered by tremendous and experienced Speakers of distinction, dynamic musical multi-ethnic worship and more! Whether you are single or married, long-time Christ-follower or just beginning your journey of faith, woman or man, this Conference is for you! Join in this empowering movement of healing with women and men from North Carolina, Georgia, California, Toronto and Montreal, Canada in Charlotte, North Carolina for this momentous time of revival, healing and inner transformation.
Reviving the
Beloved Within
An IWMN Conference
Conference Location
14542 Choate Circle
Charlotte, NC 28273
Friday November 10th, 2017
5:30pm Welcome Reception & Registration Check-In
6:15pm Main Session: Worship, Speaker, Healing Prayer
8:30pm Small Groups
9:00pm Dismissal - Departure for Hotels
Saturday November 11th, 2017
7:45am Breakfast
8:30am Main Session: Welcome Gathering & Worship
Main Speaker: Ann Conway
10:00am Seminars
11:15am Small Groups
11:45am Lunch (out on Tryon Blvd)
1:10pm Session: Gathering
1:30pm Seminars
2:45pm Free Time (Resources & Exhibits)
3:15pm Small Groups
3:45pm Seminars
5:00pm Empowerment Session
5:30pm Supper (on campus)
6:30pm Main Session: Worship, Main Speaker, Freedom Prayer
8:00pm Departure
Early Bird
August 7– September 7
Individual $55
Group (per person) $45
September 7 - November 7
Individual $65
Group (per person) $55