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Main Speaker.

Minister Cynthia Dixon

"The God of Enough"

God is enough when we are not.

This talk will encompass a theology around God’s sufficiency, suffering and hardship.




Minister Cynthia Dixon is a native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina where she currently resides.  She has been in ministry for over twenty years empowering and encouraging women through conferences, workshops, prayer ministry, and mentoring.  With a Masters of Divinity from Shaw University, she is an associate minister at First Waughtown Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC.   


As a wife of 25 years, mother of 2 sons, entrepreneur, educator, and minister, she understands the various hats that women wear and is passionate about empowering women to health and wholeness.

Minister Dixion is currently the Chairwoman of the International Women's Ministry Network and has been involved with the IWMN healing community in North Carolina (NCWMN) since 2014.

Visit her website at for more information.

Minister Cynthia Dixon

    © 2016 by the North Carolina Women's Ministry Network

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